News – 25th February


Our junior and senior quiz teams took part in a highly competitive   tráth na gceist as part of Culture Day in Nenagh last Thursday. Schools from all over Tipperary competed in this event and whilst our junior team fared well in coming 4th, our senior team went one step better in coming 3rd. They achieved a most commendable 57 out of 60. Our senior team included Pádraig Troy, David Walsh, Michael Holohan, and Pádraig Grace. Our junior team included Evan Mc Cormack, Bríd Gleeson, and Philip O’Sullivan. Over the next couple of weeks, as part of Lá Cultúrtha in Nenagh, our students are preparing hard for other
competitions such as órádaíocht, díospóireacht, agus drámaíocht tré mheán na Gaeilge.


On the sports front, our u-15 footballers are training hard for their last outing in competitive  football this year, the Cusack Cup. Our opposition will be Killenaule’s Scoil Ruáin. This promises to be an exciting encounter as many of our students performed superbly earlier this year against similar strong opposition in Munster competition, before succumbing at quarter-final stage to Killorglin C.C. from Kerry.


Our Transition Year students undertook a life skills personality test on Monday last. This proved to be fascinating for all students national and non-national as they learned a huge amount about their personalities in terms of characteristics, traits, and qualities. It was enjoyed by all and seen as a nice way to learn a little about psychology.

Also this week, a trip has been arranged to visit St. Mary’s Famine Museum in Thurles. Our German, Swiss, Norwegian, finnish and Swedish TY students are especially looking forward to this excursion as most of them were not aware of the Great Famine that was experienced in Ireland of the 1840’s. It is also of great interest to our local students who have an opportunity to empathise and learn about life in
Thurles and the wider hinterland during the c.1845 to c.1850 period.


Our sincere sympathies are extended to the family of recently deceased Pádraig Stapleton. Pádraig was an iar-scoláire of Gaelcholáiste naSiuire/Coláiste Mhuire Co-ed. He will be fondly remembered by staff
and classmates as a pleasant, friendly, and popular student who met you with a smile and got on well with everyone. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam

School News – 18th February, 2013


Our 5th year, Transition year and LCA students paid a visit recently to Lisheen mines over consecutive weeks. In recent times, students who visited Lisheen mines on school trips have found it beneficial for
subjects including  Business Studies, Geography, Science, and LCVP. Our students have been afforded the opportunity to undertake these visits thanks to business teacher Mr. Brennan and chief engineer for
the mines Jimmy Dunne.


Our Transition year students enjoyed an exciting day out last week when visiting the Criminal Courts in Parkgate Street Dublin. This was the first time any of our students had witnessed actual court
proceedings in such courts and found it a most  informative and enjoyable experience. A guided tour was also arranged with the court clerk for this trip by Ms. Molumby where we got the chance to simulate
a court case. Legal Studies forms part of the Transition year programme and excursions like this one are of immense importance to students and teachers alike. The day finished on a high with a little
bit of shopping in the city centre!


On the sporting front, things are quietening down at htis time of the year especially for our cohort of students undertaking their mock junior and leaving cert exams. However, our u-16 Gaelic footballers
are training presently for up-coming Vocational Schools county competitions. With talented players on our panel like Colm Ryan, Gavin Dunne, Gary Donnelly and Brendan Callinan we are looking forward to
such matches with an air of optimism.


A large number of 5th and 6th class primary students from Thurles and the surrounding hinterland paid visits to our school campus recently. The aim of this programme was to give students of senior primary
classes a sample or taster of life both academically and socially in our school. An enjoyable day was experienced by all involved as practical visits were made to respective subject departments such as
Computers, Science, Home economics, Woodwork, CAD etc.. Students were also treated to an array of P.E. activities in our Sports centre, The Dome. Feedback was very positive from students and staff alike and the visits finished with a well-earned trip to sample the fine cuisine in our school canteen