Summer Correspondence

Congratulations to all our students on a very successful year. Read about all our success in the past year here (click link). We especially congratulate our leaving cert students and wish them well as they progress to university,  further education and the world of work. Thank you to you, our parents, for all your support over the year. Special thanks to the Parents Association and to the PA Policy sub-group.

The following are links to pages on our website that may be useful for parents over the summer or planning for September 2024.


Information from the student support team
We appreciate that students and families continue to need support over the holidays. Useful contact details can be found at

Please note that students playing hurling (outside of scheduled supervised training and scheduled supervised matches) must use a tennis ball.


Internet safety advice



Frequently asked questions about books

We have already issued reminders via compass about books to be returned by various year groups. Books will be issued when students return to school, if that is applicable to you.


How to order books for the Chromebook/iPad (all years other than 1st  year)


Breakdown of school fees for 24/25

Breakdown of fees (click on this link)


24/25 School Calendar

Return dates for students – find return dates here


Letter to TY parents

Parents of students going into TY MUST READ this letter please (please click on this link)


School Uniform

Please note that we strictly follow the uniform policy outlined in the code of behaviour

If you have old school uniform we would be very grateful if you would donate it to the school (just drop it in to the school office). We are always happy to discretely redistribute uniform.

Please note that students are required to have a PE uniform – full details on the uniform page.
TY students wear the PE uniform only, for the TY year.



Reports are not being printed, they can be accessed using your
compass login and password which was issued previously (contact the office if you need a password reset) 


School Self Evaluation/DEIS

Please find our annual SSE report to parents at this link



As we begin a new school year we ask parents to note the following please

Students leaving school during the day

  1. If a student is being collected during the day, please send a note to the year head in advance
  2. If a student needs to be collected in an emergency please contact the school office
  3. Students are not permitted to use their phones so if they are sick and need to contact you, they may do so through the school office.

Phones in school

Students should have digital devices (ipads, laptops/chrome books etc). Phones should be turned off, in lockers and not be seen during the school day. In consultation with the student and parent council we are operating a strict phone free zone for students.

Parking and exiting the school

Please do not park on footpaths. Please exit the school at the far entrance (near TUS) and use the roundabout to filter back to the town if necessary. This will keep traffic flow steady.

Code of behavior

The code of behavior was recently updated and the new version is at Code of Behaviour – March 2024 – Thanks to the Parents Association reps for their input on this.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I pay my school fee?

A link will be sent to your phone and you will pay online.

Information about Junior Cycle

You can get more information about Junior Cycle here