Over the last few months the transition year students of Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed have been busily involved in a “Creative Engagement” project with local sculptor Philip Quinn. Those familiar with our school will know that on the right side of our main assembly area there is an indoor/outdoor atrium. Many years ago a garden was created in this space but over the years it had become overgrown and in need of refurbishment.
We are very grateful to the National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals for co sponsoring work in this area. Together with our hardworking Parents association their funding made this project happen.
Philip Quinn our local scuplotr facilated and taught students carving in both wood and stone and repoussé and hollowing in recycled metal. They worked together over a period of 6 school days. Students were quick to report that the benefits for them in terms of team work, creativity, thinking and learning practical skills were enormous. Philip also worked on an overall plan for the area. Our vision is now that this project will continue for the next 3 years and that the legacy of a creative, easily maintained space will be left by a whole cycle of transition year students.
See a video below of our students in action.