Principals Welcome

At Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed, we believe in offering our students the highest quality of education in a safe, happy, caring and challenging environment. Every pupil is a valued member of our school and while your child is with us he/she will develop into a mature, happy, responsible young adult who is prepared to face the future with confidence.

We recognise the individuality of 
each student in our care. Through 
the provision of a comprehensive 
curriculum, we ensure that each
 pupil is given every opportunity to develop to his/her potential. The level of care and support for students in Colaiste Mhuire Co-Ed, and the provision of the Le Chéile Mentoring Program, provides the first years with guided support and continuous mentoring by trained sixth year students.

Students of Coláiste Mhuire are supported, encouraged, cared for and feel a real sense of belonging. The school has an enviable reputation in a wide range of curricular and extracurricular activities, all of which are facilitated by the personal dedication of our teachers and staff who strive to provide an excellent and well- rounded education.

At Coláiste Mhuire we believe academic success is borne out of hard work, determination and effort and these key elements have ensured the attainment of consistently high results.

Our motto ‘Rath as Saothar – Success through Effort’ and our core values of RespectHonesty of Effort and Co-operation ensures that every child will be guided towards reaching his/her full potential while being provided with a first class education. We work together in partnership with you the parents/guardians to provide the best education for your child.

Finally, I hope you enjoy this website. Many teachers, students and parents helped develop and maintain it.  Special thanks to Mrs Bergin our ICT coordinator for all her work in keeping the site up to date. Thank you for taking the time to explore the site.


Denis Quinn