Pastoral Care Overview
At Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed we place great importance in providing a comprehensive and innovative Career Guidance, Counselling and Pastoral Care programme for all our students. The pastoral care programme in our school is concerned with the personal, social and moral growth of the student and ranks in importance with the academic programme.
Through the guidance counsellor, the home community school liaison officer (HCSL), school completion support staff, year heads and our class teachers we endeavour to support and assist students in any issues or situations they may encounter. This team caters for the care and attention needs of all students in the school. We are always delighted to hear from parents or students who feel they need such support.
First year students can be assured that the school will help them to adjust and integrate into school life. We run a “Le Cheile” programme where first year students are “buddied” and taken care of by senior students. This system has been highly successful and students in first year regularly speak of how it helped them in the first months and year at school.