Student Support

If a parent is reading this and your child is in crisis please contact your GP/GP out of hours service and contact Miss Wallace or Mr Quinn during school hours. When leaving a message please indicate that it is an emergency. 

Connecting for life Mid West has asked us to share this document with parents

Please note: The school email address is checked regularly(Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) but we cannot guarantee that it is checked daily (this is especially true during holiday times). However, we recommend that you check out our wellbeing page and the section of the website dedicated to the collation of resources during Covid times. (click on the links to go to the pages). As ever, your first point of contact when a child needs urgent help is your GP or the GP out of hours service.

Scroll to the end of this page for useful phone numbers

The student care/support team consists of the following members of staff:

Principal Mr. Quinn
Deputy Principal Ms. Wallace
Guidance Counsellor Ms. Byrne, Ms. Hickey
BFL teacher Ms. Purtill
HSCL Ms Mary C Ryan
SCP Ms. Michelle Morgan
SPHE representative Ms. Martin
Learning Support representative Ms. Delaney

They meet once a week to provide support to students that may require extra intervention. It is compliant with Dept. guidelines for a student support team.

In school if you need to report something or need support please

  • a. tell your class tutor
  • b. tell your year head
  • c. tell a teacher you trust
  • d. tell a member of the student support team

If you are unable to tell someone you can

  • a. put a note in the white box outside the staffroom
  • b. email

However the box and email are only in use during the school day, during the school term. If you need support of an urgent nature (outside school hours) we urge you to:

  1. tell your parents
  2. ask your parents to bring you to your GP
  3. phone 999
  4. phone one of the following

Useful Contacts

Emergency Services 999 or 112

Thurles Garda Station (0504) 25100

Shannon Doc – 0818 123 500

The Samaritans Free phone: 116 123  Text: 087 260 9090 email

Aware (Depression, Bi-Polar Disorder & Anxiety)  Tel: 1800 80 48 48

National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247

Pieta House (Suicide & Self-harm)  Tel: Crisis: 1800247247 (24 hrs a day) Bereavement: 085-8568081

Grow (Mental Health support and Recovery)  Tel: 1890 474 474

Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) Tel: 01 872 8684

IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) Tel: 01 230 3536

Shine (Supporting people affected by mental ill health)

Bodywhys (Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland)  1890 200 444

National Association for Victims of Bullying 057 9331590


Reach Out Ireland Stress, Anxiety, Bullying, Depression

Alcoholics Anonymous 01 4538998

Al Teen Supporting teenages affected by anothers alcohol abuse 01 8732699

Gamblers Anonymous 01 8721133

Drug and alcohol helpline 1800 459 459

HSE Substance Misuse Service (Clonmel) 052 77919

St Vincent de Paul 01 8550022

BelonG To Supporting LGBTI+ http://www.

Teenline Ireland 1800 833 634 (7pm-10pm)

Child Line 1800 666 666 – text talk to 50101 

CARI: Children at Risk Ireland 1890 924 567

Rainbows Ireland – Bereavement/Separation or Divorce 01- 473 4175

Cura Pregnancy Support 01 6710598 /  1850 622626

Rape Crisis and Counselling service  (052) 612 7677 (Clonmel) or 1800 340 340

Ascend Domestic Abuse Service – Thurles outreach number 086-8576719 Office confidential  number 0505-23999

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service(01) 879 6800

Trys – Thurles youth club (0504) 23426

Nenagh Hospital – 067 31491

Your mental – 1800 111 888

text about it 50808

mabs – 0818 072 000

ADAPT – 1800 200 504

Care haven services – 065 6822435

Women’s Aid – 1800 341 900